Category: Quest to share


Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think-Skeptic

Astonishingly irrational ideas are spreading. COVID-19 denial, anti-vaxxers compromising public health, conspiracy thinking hijacking minds and inciting mob violence, toxic partisanship cleaving our nations, the return of Flat Earth theory… What the heck is going on? Why is all this happening, and why now? More important, what can...


How To Spot Pseudoscience-Revisited

Alien fossils found in a meteorite?! Sounds amazing, but the science isn’t there. And that’s not the only example of hyped stories turning out to be, well, nothing. Trace gives you tips on how to tell the difference between science, and pseudoscience. Read More: “THE POLONNARUWA METEORITE: OXYGEN...


A journey through Vaccine education during a global pandemic- Skeptical Inquirer

Dr. Sankar is the Science Advisor for ScienceUpFirst, a national anti-misinformation campaign in Canada that aims to combat misinformation around COVID-19. She is also the Science Communication lead for COVID-19 resources Canada, leading a COVID-19 discussion initiative. Dr. Sankar is passionate about countering misinformation and has been dispelling...


Vaccines: A Measured Response:science behind the anti-vaccine movement!!

What is the science behind the anti-vaccine movement, and is it any good? Let’s find out! The Covid19 pandemic has brought the discussion about vaccine safety back into the headlines. And yet, despite media making it seem like a controversial issue debated over the last century, it’s not....


Science based medicine-Need of the hour

Science-Based Medicine is dedicated to evaluating medical treatments and products of interest to the public in a scientific light, and promoting the highest standards and traditions of science in health care. Online information about alternative medicine is overwhelmingly credulous and uncritical, and even mainstream media and some medical...


Disparities in the Midst of COVID-19: Education, Health, and Race-Odaelys Walwyn-Pollard

he COVID-19 Pandemic has undeniably made the year 2020 one for the books. We’ve seen how the pandemic has affected everyone, but it has undeniably been exacerbated for certain groups. We will discuss how COVID-19 shined a light on a broken system, with special emphasis on education in...