The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine could end the pandemic-
Deciding between a vaccine and…an infection?
A handy comparison of COVID-19 vaccines compared to COVID-19 infections.
Evidence that has emerged on the Pfizer-BioNTech and also the Moderna vaccine give us good reason to be cautiously optimistic, perhaps for the first time in this pandemic. The fact that both of these vaccines show such high rates of efficacy is reassuring: Immunization of populations against this disease appears possible. These are the earliest days with these vaccines, however and there is a long road ahead of safety monitoring and follow-up as these vaccines are offered to thousands, and then millions of people. We will also see additional trials report and additional vaccines move forward for regulatory approval. It is absolutely possible that there will be some adverse events identified that we haven’t seen yet. It is also very likely that vaccines will be blamed for events that are completely unrelated to the vaccine itself. But the alternative is killing thousands of people per day and injuring countless others, just in the United States alone, in a trend that continues to worsen with no end in sight. This is the largest logistical and immunization event of its kind in history. And we need it now
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